Interesting Books, Application Notes and White Papers

Below is a list of interesting Application Notes from various reputable vendors. Hope they help you

  1. Low Level Measurements Handbook - Precision DC Current, Voltage, and Resistance Measurements (Keithley)
  2. Spectrum Analysis Basics (Keysight)
  3. The 20-Bit DAC Is the Easiest Part of a 1-ppm-Accurate Precision Voltage Source  (Analog Devices)
  4. High Speed Design Techniques, 1996 (Analog Devices)
  5. A Technical Tutorial on Digital Signal Synthesis, 1999 (Analog Devices) 
  6. Op Amp Applications Handbook, 2005 (Analog Devices)
  7. The Data Conversion Handbook, 2005 (Analog Devices)
  8. Linear Circuit Design Handbook, 2008 (Analog Devices)
  9. Power of Impedance Analyzer, Comparison to Network Analyzer - Uncover real characteristics (Keysight)
  10. Impedance Measurement Handbook - A Guide to Measurement Technology and Techniques (Keysight)
  11. Jitter Analysis: The dual-Dirac Model, RJ/DJ, and Q-Scale (Keysight)
  12. Staying Well Grounded (Analog Devices)
  13. Successful PCB Grounding with Mixed-Signal Chips - Follow the Path of Least Impedance (Maxim)
  14. Op Amps for Everyone (Texas Instruments) 
  15. You and Tektronix 1956 (Tektronix) 
  16. DigiTrim™ Technology (Analog Devices)
    A simple overview of the trimming technology. TI's e-Trim actually cameo the market much earlier than Analog Devices. 
  17. Filters: When, Why, and How (Not) to Use Them (Alain de Cheveigné, Israel Nelken)
  18. Application Guidelines for Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (Nichicon)
  19. Scattered Reflections on Scattering Parameters — Demystifying Complex-Referenced S Parameters (Shuhei AMAKAWA)
  20. Specifying Calibration Standards and Kits for Keysight Vector Network Analyzers (Keysight)